Why Flowgram?
I am truly passionate about FLOWGRAM, my 8-Week Home Workout Guide for training and eating according to the four phases of your cycle. Why?
Women in their reproductive years have been left out of mainstream medical research and it’s time for us to take back control of our health and bodies.
Knowledge is power: FLOWGRAM isn’t simply an exercise programme, I’ve packed it full of resources and information because only by understanding how your body works will you commit to this process.
I want you to know that it’s okay to rest, to give yourself time for recovery and mobility. I also want you to know when it’s safe to push yourself and get after those goals!
I’ve made this as comprehensive as possible. Many, many hours have gone into this guide. You’ll find exercise workouts, recipes that have been approved by a certified nutritionist, and some fantastic mindset tips too.
Flowgram (how, what and where) FAQs
Will I have lifetime access?
Yes, you will have lifetime access to Flowgram.
After I make my purchase, how do I access Flowgram?
You will access Flowgram through thinkific.com. Once you have logged in you will find all of the workouts, brain juice and recipes. All of the content is divided into easily digestible chapters for you to work through.
Where do I find my log in details?
After you purchase Flowgram you will receive an email with your log in details (please be sure to also check your spam and junk folders if it doesn’t come through to your inbox). From there you can access Flowgram through the thinkific.com platform.
How does Thinkific work?
Thinkific is super user friendly. All of the chapters will be visible on the left hand side of the screen so you can easily navigate your way through the guide.
Can I repeat the workout guide?
Yes, absolutely. There is power in repetition and you can keep coming back to the workouts to see how you have progressed and how much stronger you have gotten :) Take notes of where you are at the first time you do the guide and then I encourage you to keep coming back and repeat the guide for as long as you wish so that you can see how much you have progressed.